Sunday, April 16, 2006

War Against God- Spiritual decadence

Spiritual Warfare

Society bases its prosperity on economics alone, it seems when it comes to money or morals the majority of people which includes many Christians, choose their wallets over and above morality. If a country is doing well financially, people have good paying jobs, the unemployment ratio is low and there are less taxes to pay, the country and the government is deemed a success. It matters not that laws are initiated into practice that infringe on the rights of the unborn, stem cell research is allowable with only a few restrictions, homosexual marriages is legal in some countries and is becoming an issue in many other countries which oppose it, and speaking God's Word has become a hate crime. And all of this is done in the name of individual freedom!

A society that bases its success only on monetary prosperity, is a society that is doomed as it faces its own moral bankruptcy, for God does not run the World Bank, He guides our conscience towards the Divine Law as expressed in the Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes. When Governments which run on societal values, refuse to obey what God has deemed right and holy then the whole system which governs our countries is morally reprehensible as principles decline and decadence gains ground, and families pay the price as the divorce rate rises. As the late Pope John Paul II warns us with these words, "As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live." Should we then be surprised when children plot to murder their parents because their own wills are being thwarted?

The Holy Roman Empire did not implode because its leaders were morally correct and upright, it imploded as one leader outdid the other in decadent and immoral behaviour. When there is no moral compass and God is ignored the consequences are a 'godless' society where anarchy, immorality, cruelty and decadence are deemed acceptable while anything holy is outlawed as lawlessness runs rampant, and the upright sleep. In our own day a politician is applauded a great success if he can balance the budget, lower taxes and create jobs which are good things to aim for, but, it should not be all that we require. If a President, Premier or Prime Minister commit moral outrages do we ignore this so long as the money mill is running well, is it a case of if the nation prospers then all is well?

There was a master politician who was able to turn his country from one of the deepest depressions the world has known into a prosperous country where jobs were overflowing and people could once again sit down to eat three meals a day, and keep a roof over their head. He gained world wide acclaim as he dragged his people from abject poverty to prosperity in a few short years. Because this politician was able to turn his countries fiscal policies around he was acclaimed by all....for not too many had read his book, 'Mein Kampf'! Very few people within his own country or outside of his country had the foresight to recognize evil, even when it was staring them in the face and by the time they did, it was too late!

This should be a warning to all that we need to hold our leaders to a greater moral standard rather than rely only on their ability to balance the budget irrespective of moral law! When politicians sign laws which legalize abortion, post partial abortions, same sex marriages, sterilization of citizens deemed unworthy to procreate, graphic sex education into the school system and the legalization of illicit and mind altering drugs....who is the more culpable, the politician or those who vote them into office repeatedly? Once again Pope John Paul II warns us, "From now on it is only through a conscious choice and through a deliberate policy that humanity can survive." When mothers and fathers choose to kill their own unborn children then where is society headed? Where there are laws which allow stem cell research for scientific purposes, have we not become the new Dr. Mengele's? When people vote politicians into office who run a Pro-Choice, Pro-Death campaign then have they not become murderers by default?

If a people accept politicians who have no moral compass and no moral conscience, who is at fault? When we look at history to such horrific leaders as Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, and then take a closer look at recent history, Rwanda, Bosnia, the Sudan, Iran, has the world changed for the better? Can any country take a moral high ground where the murder of the innocents is seen as a viable choice and contraception machines are placed in our schools? As prayer is banned in schools and the Ten Commandments are removed from various courts and institutions, once again where is society headed? As St. Augustine wrote, "If you believe what you like in the gospels, and reject what you don't like, it is not the gospel you believe, but yourself."

When nations murder the innocent and most vulnerable in society our unborn babies who have NO voice, when our children are being brutalized and murdered as Judges attempt to recognize pedophilia as an 'illness' these victims also have NO voice...then who speaks for them? As St. Thomas Aquinas teaches, "Happiness is secured through virtue; it is a good attained by man's own will." When virtue has become a dirty word and the virtuous are sniggered at, who then rules the land and when did virtue die? Once again St. Thomas warns us, "Hold firmly that our faith is identical with that of the ancients. Deny this, and you dissolve the unity of the Church." When the virtuous fail to speak up the innocent die.

When we mutilate, torture and murder our youth, who in the end will be left standing?

Peace of Christ to ALL

Copyright © 2006 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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