Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Trusting in False God's

In an age of consumerism where money speaks louder than words we can become side tracked on what is truly essential for our spiritual wellbeing. This is why we must gain a greater understanding of how Satan will use even our conveniences which was supposed to make our life easier anything but that!

How many of us have decided to spend more time in prayer only to find that the phone decides to ring constantly, or that the door is continually being buzzed to distract us away from our Holy pursuit of quiet prayer.

In an age where food can be served in minutes, clothes washed and dried within the hour, yet we still can find no time for God or prayer, but is this truly so? For is it not that though our intentions are good we allow ourselves to be side stepped away from prayer as we linger that extra minute in front of the TV or computer and other entertainment facilities? Can we truthfully say we truly long to spend that time with God or do we make God wait upon us?

The subtle seduction of the senses begins in the mind, as it tries to engage us in useless activities such as spending too long in front of the TV or in spending copious hours in front of the computer. It can also be in trying to keep a 'perfect' home therefore one's whole occupation is in keeping up appearances for whom? Does God care if our homes are not immaculately clean 24 hours a day or is that an onus many have placed on themselves?

When we place God at the end of our day and spend the smallest amount of time with Him in prayer, how then can we be strengthened for the daily grind? Did not Jesus Himself also walk long distances, preached to many crowds, yet it is our Lord who teaches us how important prayer is to withstand worldly temptations. For it is an old saying but a true one in that 'the family that prays together stays together'.

Especially in a world where the emphasis is on how one looks or behaves, and where our Laws and statutes support freedom even to kill and murder the unborn, do we really wished to be ruled by the world? We may turn away from unsightly horrors, where children are murdered and the killers receive minimum sentences, why are so many shocked and appalled is it not the case that babies are now being euthanized in their incubators so they do not 'suffer' anymore!

The worldly teaches us that it is ok to murder so long as it is 'mercifully done' was not St. Maximilian Kolbe killed by lethal injection? Yet we reel in horror at such a crime done against such a Holy Saint, but for our children today, where is the outcry? The world will try and tell us that all these new laws are for our own good, and to decide for us how we should all live even unto taking innocent lives of the unborn and those who are unable to protest against a 'mercy killing'.

It also tries to dictate to us what is rightful living, in that same sex marriages are now considered 'normal' and in some Church's active homosexuals are accepted into the Priesthood and Ordained as Bishops....What happened to God's Word? Are we to negate it's teachings in favour of a more sophisticated thinking, which is basically an acceptance of sin as a right! For we are told by many institutions that God's Word is now a 'hate crime' and that prayer anywhere is to be banned, as some may find it offensive!

If many are feeling overwhelmed at the constant drip, drip of negativity then it is time to refresh the soul with prayer, and to recognise the worldly seductions which try to induce us away from this relationship with God. In order to be strong we need to become strong and this only comes from God and not to be found in any one thing or person.

As the world rationalizes sinful behaviour as a right and murder is being promoted even to our youth, then it is time to fight the good fight. We do this by turning away from the very things which distract us from our one on one relationship with God and that is the influences of the multi-media and satanic music which is wreaking havoc on our youth!

Where you spend your time will either strengthen your resolve to fight the good fight or dissolve and dissipate your energies on other useless efforts and endeavours. In order for us to recognise the father of lies we need to understand the Goodness of God not by theory but through relationship!

In essence the most important relationship in your life is neither with your life partner nor even your children; it is with your Creator! And it is when we fail to make God the centre of our lives that we have will have already lost the fight before it had begun.

Where you spend your mind is where you spend your time.

Peace of Christ to ALL

Copyright © 2006 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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