Saturday, August 20, 2005

The New Tower of Babel

Even though we face a formidable enemy in Satan and his hordes of demons, still we must not act as if we are already defeated, for as our late Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, said 'Be not afraid'! Yet why are so many too afraid to speak the truth? Could it be that in an attempt to confuse people at large and even God's children, our language is reaching a stage where we face yet another, 'Tower of Babel'!

Everyday expressions now have very different meanings; we can no longer say a person is feeling 'gay' in that the word now has a different meaning than that of happiness or joy. We now have expressions such as 'inclusive language', which basically is a distortion on Truth, in that it is used at the expense of men and tries to nullify their own contribution to our Great Faith. There is also the touch of the demonic in this 'inclusive language' in that even God is not allowed to be given any gender and with the use of inclusive language, God has become a tool to be used for the agenda's of those who have hearts full of pride. It is by using this language that God is defined as 'the feminine god' or that God is now to be termed 'universal spirit'. This is an attempt to divert attention away from the fact that Jesus spoke of God as His Father in Heaven, many find this term ‘Father’, highly offensive!

We have even reached a stage where Christians are joining in on this second 'Tower of Babel' by changing their own way of speaking to suit the MINORITY! As God is now being referred to as an 'intelligent designer', and Christian symbols such as the Crucifix, Angels or any other form that defines our Christian beliefs comes under attack. Yet we are complying with this demonic plan, why?

It has reached a stage where Christians can no longer say 'Merry Christmas' in case it offends certain groups of people, so instead 'happy holidays' was substituted, why did the Christians go along with this Babel-ing of our own fundamental beliefs, is it a case of unawareness or of compromising our Faith in what we hold to be true!

And the most demonic of all language is where 'pro choice' is used to describe the murderous slaughter of the innocents, where the 'rights of the Mother' in choosing to kill her innocent baby is given precedence over the life of the unborn who have NO voice! Where even babies are being described as ‘a piece of tissue’ or are referred to as a 'fetus cell'. This is to sanitise what is in effect little more than murder by production on a massive scale, unheard of in all the annals of our history!

All of this language confusion is used to subtly lull the unsuspecting Christian into accepting it as a viable option rather than to stand on their Faith and reject this Babel-ing of our speech. But there is also the creeping tentacles of the evil one at work in all this and that is for all manner of life styles to be found as acceptable, if one wishes to 'cohabit' without the benefit of marriage that is acceptable to the 'worldly'! Where our young people are being encouraged to experiment with their sexuality with promotions of contraceptives whilst abstinence is ignored!

This is an attempt by Satan to disarm those who can and DO have the tools to defeat him, yet conversely it is these very people who have laid aside their weaponry of Truth, Righteousness, peace and prayer, in favour of 'worldly' pursuits and an acceptance of bad as good! For if Christians cannot speak the Truth, then who will?

Have we reached a time where even Christians will not say nor speak of God as their Heavenly Father, in case it offends non believers? If this is so, then were the Saints who went before us wrong in speaking and dying for their Faith? We must recognise that it is Satan himself who is double minded and the father of all LIES, if this is so, then are we prepared to stand on our Faith or fall for anything?

Peace of Christ to ALL

Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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