Sunday, July 31, 2005

Who Is The Enemy?

Who Is The Enemy?

The greatest victory Satan has been able to achieve in the past century is the belief that he doesn’t exist. The next victory he has achieved is to make even the most devout Christian doubt God's Goodness or to question God's All Powerful Majesty and Control of His creation. Has it come to a time where, many are demanding that God explain Himself to His created, as if we were owed an explanation?

The great enemy we face today is Satan yet when was the last time you heard Satan or Sin mentioned by your Priest or Pastor? Have we reached a time in our existence where Sin has now become acceptable or to phrase it in 'worldly language' where alternative lifestyles are being promoted as 'normal' and enforced upon the majority as a 'right'?

Satan has been very busy this past century in planting seeds of Doubt, in tilling the ground, to create mass confusion, in creating discords between Nations which rise up one against the other with untold inhumanity against Gods beloved children. But the most successful achievement Satan has been able to do is to plant seeds of hate amongst God's children, where Christians now fight Christians, whilst Satan and his demons rejoice over such flagrant disregarding of God's Word and The Teachings of our Church.

The new 'gods' of the world are wealth, beauty, success and power, we see this being embraced by those who have been seduced into the easy life, where there is no accountability therefore any excess is acceptable. Where both men and women have become living gargoyles in their quest for eternal beauty, by repeated cosmetic surgery, where success is measured by how we look and how we appear rather than what is in our hearts and souls. In a world where super powers, have crumbled as in Communist Russia only to find that the greed for instant wealth has created the 'god' of power at any cost and at any price. We live in a time where divorce has become acceptable as millionaires embark on their third, fourth or fifth marriages.

But the cruelest victory Satan has achieved is the killing of the innocents, where abortion is at record highs and has almost become a mass production. Where the world uses sanitized expressions as in it is a 'woman’s choice' to kill her unborn baby, or that women are in 'control of their own bodies' if they choose to 'terminate' their fetuses or 'tissues'. Where even politicians, judges, lawyers, movie stars, writers etc will march for the right of a Mother to kill her unborn child, they indeed have become 'little Herod's, as many embrace the Culture of Death that is all pervasive in a century where Sin no longer is mentioned or has become a 'dirty word'.

Spiritual warfare exists in a world where many Christians wish to remain asleep, as the devil roams the world looking for those he can corrupt, for unlike many, Satan never sleeps....

More on this integral topic later....

Peace of Christ to you ALL
Copyright © 2005 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

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